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Ffantastic! I played your game for a looong time


I tried your game and really liked the atmosphere of it.  it feels like 90s terminal and really give a weird vibe. I Liked that!

I would really appreciate it if there was a simple text at the beginning and explain some mechanics. for example it took me a while to understand what was the purpose of skull points in the bottom left panel or how did the clock worked.

but The comments made up for that confusing part.

well done!

(2 edits) (+2)

Surprisingly fun considering there is a only a single button to push (and some choices to make). I think this game really drives homes it's message well without being super duper preachy. 

It was a little hard as first to understand all the symbols and how the game works (I had to read the GDD), but I also get the feeling that was intentional to mimic how slot machines tend to have complex mechanics to trick people into playing longer. 

I wanted to see what would happen if I didn't kill the enemy fast enough but I got too many clubs or didn't have enough HP to get that result. Really well done. The background music with the occasional static and talking really sets the vibe. 

I liked that the main currency was actually health and not the shop currency. That was a nice twist and on message for the game. A game that doesn't want you to play it is a heck of a thing.


Definitely played more of this than I care to admit - they got me :')

This game is so clean, presenting us with a perfectly green terminal and inviting the player to just poke a great big button to play pretty lights nice noises, then win. Finally! Atmospheric music, appealing sounds, pleasing look... A gamer's dream come true.

But mindlessly clicking through, reading the little comments and super fun facts, then trying to ignore a horrible feeling in my gut after realizing there's much more darker take to this whole idea of "gambling", especially as it's compared to gaming - it was a great twist to the gameplay loop, and made me much more self-aware of how "mindlessly" I wanted to participate in the game. Now this is a deceptive little strategy - well done!

It runs perfectly, and I loved the detail to incorporate lots of ideas in your GDD. I desperately want there to be more mechanics like your team wished you could have implemented, but how can I complain about a working prototype? Clean work, and I'm looking forward to see the ideas you come up with in the future.

Great job and hope you all had fun in the gamejam!

(Loved learning a new word today, thank you!!)


Thank you so much for playing our game and for the great feedback!

It's amazing to see the feeling we wanted to convey with our game, expressed in your words <3

 We had the same amount of hard work as we had fun, most definitely!